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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Monday, June 22, 2015

Yoga Day Celebration!

Celebration of Yoga Day is definitely a welcome venture. But it’s just the beginning. There’s a long way to go to make Yoga a part of our daily routine in every household. Sustained efforts and proper planning are necessary to achieve the goal. It might begin right from primary level at school where performing Yoga should be made compulsory. However, it’s feared the program might suffer because of lack of Yoga instructors. Properly skilled Yoga trainers are not easily available. So sufficient Yoga teachers should be made through Yoga training institutes or Yoga sibir(workshop) under the tutelage of renowned Yoga Gurus of our country. It should be remembered Yoga posture if not properly done might do more harm than good. Again, the same Yoga might not be suitable for all, if not even detrimental to some. This point should also be taken into account before initiating a Yoga program. Thanks to Baba Ramdev who’s made Yoga popular by holding Yoga camps at home and abroad. Hopefully, sincerity of purpose and determination would negotiate all hindrances and make Yoga our national habit. Then and then only celebration of Yoga Day would prove meaningful.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Unholy nexus!

Notwithstanding scathing criticism from all corners Akilesh Jadav, Chief minister of UP govt ,stays put to his stance that he's done nothing wrong in suspending young IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal.He plays communal card in his defence blaming the officer for demolition of Masjid wall.What seemed to have prodded Akhilesh to suspend Ms.Nagpal was she stood in the way of sand mafia illegally collecting sand.These out laws are so powerful and desperate even after such clamour against their illegal activities they reportedly came again with dumpers to load soil and were chased away by the villagers.What's more, they shot at the villagers and fortunately none of them was injured. Incidentally, an influential neta of Samajwadi Party bragged in a rally he was instrumental in suspending the IAS officer with in 41 mins.However, later he disowned the statement and claimed it was concocted by media. The way honest, sincere and fearless officers are insulted and humiliated instead of being praised and rewarded for their rightly and creditably performed jobs and  the miscreants are pampered to indulge in illegal activities dauntlessly and nonchalantly are extremely unfortunate. The unholy nexus between the politicians and the mafia is to blame in a big way for the illegal activities being perpetrated around us.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yawning Gap Between MRP and Actual Selling Price!

While purchasing an Essential Energy Saver CFL lamp (18W,CM/L9581293,Mfd.July,2012) of your make(Philip, India} from a local shop I was astonished to find the yawning gap between the MRP printed on the carton and the price I was asked to pay for a piece of lamp.I paid only Rs.155.0(without bargaining, of course) while the MRP mentoned was as high as Rs.215.(inclusive of all taxes).I fail to make out why the MRP stated so differ from the actual selling price of the lamp.It makes way for different dealers selling the same lamp at different prices.I think if I could survey the market, I could perhaps purchase the lamp even at lower price.On the other hand, an unsuspecting customer could even buy this lamp at MRP stated on the carton from an unscrupulous dealer and be duped.Any easily gullible customer could consider himself lucky even if the lamp is sold to him at Rs.200.0.I'm sorry to say you people have paved the way for wide spread corruption by fixing the MRP of lamps (may be for other products also) so high compared to the actual selling prices.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Public memory is proverbially short.Govt's memory is probably even shorter.At least the devastating fire at Surya Sen Street Market so indicates.Even after massive Stephen Court house and AMRI fires which took a heavy toll of human lives the Civil administration remains as indifferent as ever.Immediately after occurrence of a fire,administration swings into action like visiting market places and highrises to examine if fire fighting arrangements are there.Those who are found to flout the fire safety norms,incidentally which are most disobeyed than obeyed in most instances, are warned.Then it's all quiet on fire safety front till massive fire,particularly that kills many lives,breaks out again some where. As Kolkata is an old unplanned and highly congested city.there're places where fire fighting engines can't enter due to narrow passage.Those places should be particulaly marked and checked if fire safety devices are properly maintained there.If fire is extinguished at initial stage by internal devices at the place of occurrence, it won't take dreadful proportions and fire brigade's assistance would not be needed.Beat fire before fire beats you. It's unwise to expect civic administration alone would diminish the incidences of fire.Unless people are conscious and behave responsibly nobody can save them from menace of fire.Thing should be other way round.People should be pro-active to compel the civic administration to visit their places regularly to see to if power safety devices are in operative stage.People should also insist the civic authority on making it convenient for fire engines to reach the spot of fire at the time of need.Availability of water near the place of fire for fire engines to operate should also be ensured. It's normally found in most cases fire originates from short circuits.So stress must be given on the periodical check up of electrical wiring.If it's seriously done, incidences of fire could be averted to a large extent.It's a ground reality that administration and public should work in tandem to prevent fire.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Assembly Scuffle!

The assault and counter assault among the MLAs that took place in West Bengal Assembly was unfortunate and unprecedented.But what's more unfortunate was the way the doctors treated two of the injured in the assembly scuffle at SSKM hospital.One MLA Gouranga Chatterjee of CPI(M) whose head was bleeding profusely was allegedly released after giving first aid only with the advice that he didn't need admission to hospital.The same treatment was meted out to another lady MLA Debolina Hembrom of CPI(M) who complained of stomach pain.Later it was found Mr.Chatterjee suffered crack in his skull and that apart he was a cardiac patient.So SSKM doctors should have seriously examined him and admitted him to hospital.Debolina's stomach pain was later found due to her gall stone which could have been diagnosed if SSKM doctors did her an Ultra sonograpohy.In fact, doctors of the premier hospital of the city seemed to have examined the traumatized MLAs most perfunctorily.If the public representatives are treated this way at the best govt hospital of the state then what is in store for common people is any body's guess. However,leader of the opposition Suryakanta Misra is smelling a rat in the above incident.He complained doctors were not to blame as they couldn't admit the injured to the hospital at the instance of the higher-ups in the administration who intended to play down the injury of the opposition MLAs.If it's true, it's a serious allegation that warrants thorough investigation.But whatever the case may be, the doctors who examined the injured and almost gave them clean chit of health after primary examination can't escape public criticism for negligence of their duties.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kolkata Film Festival 2012

It may sound cynical but true that a film festival of international standard is not meant for all.It's, in fact, meant for serious cine goers.Normally,best films from different countries of the world are selected for viewing in such festivals.So only selected audience who can appreciate these films are supposed to attend these festivals.Any attempt to make it people's festival is an useless exercise.Solemnity and sobriety of these festivals should be maintained from very beginning to end.So due weitage should be accorded to its inaugural ceremony also.An endeavor to inculcate a spirit of a carnival in the recent inaugural function of Kolkata film festival was unfortunate.It really looked odd and shocking too when people in large numbers left the venue as soon as the Amitava Bacchan and Saha Rukh Khan along with host of other Bollywood stars left the function.They didn't care to view the film screened later.It was as if a mega function of Bollywood stars rather than a solemn occasion of inaugural function of an International Film festival.If such a trend continues Kolkata film festival that has reached a covetable standard over the years would reduce to a carnival in real sense of the term.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Not donating pledged body!

The eminent litterateur Sunil Gangapadhya pledged his body be donated after his death.But his family took the decision of not honuring his last wish and decided to cremate him.It's true, had his dead body been handed over to the appropriate authority for use in medical purposes with in 48 hrs of his death as is the norm, a countless admirers of the legendary author would have been denied the opportunity of paying last tribute to the departed soul.Perhaps this aspect was in the back of mind of the of the family members of the late author and they didn't agree to donate his body, though the consent of the relatives of the deceased is not necessary in this respect.What's interesting and worrying too is that that family members of other celebrities too might react in the same way in case of handing hover the pledged body to the concerned authority after death in contravention of the last wish of the deceased.Any way, the family members of Sunil refrained from celebrating his Sardh ceremony as he didn't like it in his life time.