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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fire Committee!

(1)Enquiry Committee!
Son: Dad, govt’s formed an enquiry committee to investigate
incidence of fire at Stephen Court.
Dad: It’s no enquiry committee, my son.
Son: Then?
Dad: It’s, in fact, self-introspection committee.
Son: Why dad?
Dad: As those might be held directly or indirectly responsible for this fire episode are on the committee!

(2)Kabir Suman!
Son: Dad, why did Kabir Suman join Trinomool Congress?
Dad: To bring about a socio-political change in Bengal.
Son: But why does he now like to resign from the party?
Dad: Perhaps being afraid of “change’ to come!

(3)Tooth and Nail!
A: I fought tooth and nail but failed.
B: I know why you failed.
A: Please tell me.
B: While fighting you used only finger nail and not toe nail!

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