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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Marriage Aniversary!

(1)Marriage anniversary!
A: Married for years he’s never observed marriage anniversary!
B: Perhaps he doesn’t like to show off.
A: No. He always prefers annual marriage to marriage anniversary!

(2) A born swimmer!
A: He’s a born swimmer!
B: Yes, he learned how to swim while in mother’s womb.
A: Are you joking?
B: Never! Don’t you know a baby remains in water-sack in womb?

Dad: Always try to learn from mistakes, my son.
Son: Dad, do you mean the more I make mistakes, the more I would
Dad: Excuse me, I’ve meant nothing, my son!

(4) Similarity!
A: Do you find any similarity between Subrata Mukherjee and Kadambini of Tagore’s short story?
B: Yes.Kadambini died to prove she was alive while Subrata quits Congress to prove he was with Congress!


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