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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Political Bomb!

TMC Chief's Lalgarh rally on 9August:
9th August is an auspicious day, 9th August is the most inauspicious day too. On this day Gandhiji, a lean and thin man, started ‘Quit India’ movement against the British in 1942.But on this very day a ‘Fat man’ wreaked largest ever devastation in history of mankind. In twinkle of an eye it effaced 39,000 lives from the earth and left the countless maimed for life. The dreaded year was 1945 and the ‘Fat man’ was atom bomb dropped at Hiroshima of Japan by America. Tomorrow is also the 9th August and this time a ‘fat woman’( I beg to apologize for using the word fat) is going to burst a political bomb that might have a far reaching consequence. Now all attention is focused on Lalgarh, the venue at which the bomb will be dropped and administration is also on tenterhook for safety and security of all concerned. People and press alike are now speculating over the fall-out of such bomb-burst.

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