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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Going Global

Mamata Banerjee has rightly fascinated the reporter of New York Times(TOI 16 Dec) for
her sustained efforts and doggedness to over throw the Leftist govt from a pocket of Indian subcontinent after its unbelievable 34 yrs of governance based on popular consent.Stubornly anti-American Left govt’s ouster might pose a pleasant surprise to NYT scribe His interest in Miss Banerjee’s political activities is not misplaced in other senses either. Her anti land acquisition movement that began from obscure places like Singur and Nandigram has now rocked the entire nation. Wherever land is going to be procured for public or private purposes for people’s benefit land owners start agitation in Singur like way. As a result developmental activities grind to a halt. History will ever remember Miss Banerjee at least for her anti-land grab movement as procurement of land is a global phenomenon. So she rightly deserves to go global in newsworthiness.

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