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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Friday, March 26, 2010

Park Street Fire

Stephen Court fire at Park street, Kolkata is one of the fiercest fire disasters in recent memory in Kolkata, particularly in terms of loss of many precious lives. Blood curdling scene of people jumping to death from high-rise in a bid to save themselves from fury of fire in presence of thousands of helpless on-lookers standing on the ground beggars any stretch of imagination. It was easily horridly conceivable that those trapped in the inferno were running helter skelter for safety. The fortunate ones could manage to negotiate the blaze and saved their lives and the ill-fated ones were horrendously burnt alive or suffocated to death. However, thanks to those common people who staked their lives and swung into action to help save many valued lives even before fire services reached the spot. Short circuit in electrical wiring is believed to have triggered fire. Whatever be the cause, it was the human callousness and greed that defied all norms of safety to serve personal cause only, brought about the heart rending disaster. A section of corrupt people in administration who’re supposed to look over if safety norms are obeyed or construction plan strictly adhered to simply overlooked these aspects for money.Kolkata has many such heritage buildings which might have the same fate under similar circumstances if govt fail to take proper lesson from this macabre incident

What’s most unfortunate is the role of the Opposition at this moment of grave crisis. Nero fiddled when Rome burnt and similarly they were busy making their game plan to discredit govt and derive political mileage out of such horrific human tragedy even when fire was burning.Instead of helping the administration to combat such a grave situation
they made all out efforts to find its lapses and lacuna in aptly tackling the incident and spewed fire and brimstone on the ruling party for such a ghastly episode. Isn’t it very sad?

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