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Kolkata, West bengal, India


Thursday, October 15, 2009


Nothing’s unfair in war. In West Bengal nothing’s unfair in words of war too. All decency and decorum have gone to the winds.Slangs and uncouth languages are used freely to vent rage and sometimes pride too by no lesser mortals than Central ministers, MPs and MLAs. Tolerance’s reached all time low and political ambience is vitiated as never before. In a democratic set-up differences of opinion are common among ruling and opposition parties, so are common the verbal duels but it must not cross the limit of decency, let alone border on vulgarity! If it does people must bring them to book and cut them to size by exercising their electoral power to restore a healthy democratic atmosphere. In fact what’s now going on does not fit in with the political, social and cultural heritage of the state!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be worried.You are perhaps out of tune with the present usage of present day cultural ambience of a new brand of political education imparted by the political party-their practical is very rigorous. The probationers are required to demonastrate their skills in the field which are keenly observed and assessed.All are in mortal rat race for survival & promotion.They learnt lessons from the fates of Pankaj Banerjee and recently Sovandeeb Chatterjee.They are required to follow the Bengali edition of Dictionary of american slangs as published by an Institute sponsored by TMC.Forgive them.
